The Real Facts About Artificial Intelligence

Information Technology And Services


Artificial Intelligence…A Driving Force Behind Analytical Automation

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a hot topic. There are various articles and stories touting the remarkable opportunities available to companies that leverage AI. Pundits point out that AI may be the most disruptive technological innovation since the steam engine and has the potential to drastically change the way we work, interact, and even live. You have heard from your CMO that you need an AI strategy and you are talking to a myriad of vendors that are telling you why their AI solution is the right one for you. Before that happens, you first need to have a common understanding of what AI is, what it is not, and how it can fit within your overall analytical strategy. Within the Automating Intelligence framework1 , AI is a key part of the overall analytical strategy but is not an end result by itself. The focus for all analytical initiatives (whether using AI or not) is to automate business processes through analytics—not specifically deploying AI techniques in and of themselves. This document presents a strategy for positioning AI in that context.