Privileged Access Threat Report 2019

Introduction The world is an uncertain place. Particularly for cyber security professionals, many of whom have learned the hard way that they can’t rest on their laurels. New technologies and fresh threats are constantly emerging, and these threats come from both outside and within organizations. In our 2019 privileged access threat research, we discovered that […]

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MIT Technology Review Insights Research

Introduction Lauren Bacon knows how to get the most out of a distributed team. Now a business coach, Bacon spent many years as the head of a design and development studio. The firm had some full-time employees, some part-time, some freelancers, some working from the firm’s office, some from home—and everyone relied heavily on cloudbased […]

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Introduction The Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report 2019 analyzes the data from security bulletins issued by Microsoft throughout 2018. On the second Tuesday of every month, commonly referred to as “Patch Tuesday,” Microsoft releases fixes for any vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft products. This report compiles these releases into a year-long overview, providing a more holistic view of whether […]

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Meer met Minder

Introduction De uitdrukking “meer doen met minder” is een mantra geworden bij veel middelgrote bedrijven. Om verschillende redenen, zoals beperkte budgetten en hoge werkdruk, hebben HR-teams van middelgrote bedrijven zich jarenlang beperkt tot transactionele, bureaucratische taken, gebruikmakend van een lappendeken aan legacy HR-technologie. Vandaag is de wereld anders. Cloud-based technologie is gegroeid en volwassen geworden, […]

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Map – based Lane Keeping with HERE HD Live Map

Introduction There are many challenging tasks when developing autonomous driving features to cope with the various changes to the environment. Often lane markings are faded or are covered with snow or dirt and can be difficult for a camera-based detection system. In this report, VSI addresses the application of HD map assets to improve the […]

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Location Platform for Developers-A Comparative Evaluation &Analysis of Pricing vs Offering

Introduction The mapping and location ecosystem has evolved significantly as top map data providers have adopted a cloud-based platform model. This has catalyzed the adoption of location-as-a-context in different applications within the consumer, enterprise, and public sectors as well as across mobility and IoT use-cases. However, it has become difficult to identify which platform is […]

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Living in the cloud with your routing and dispatch systems

Introduction Think about when you hit a busy season and need extra vehicle capacity. It’s fast and easy to increase capacity by leasing – you simply make a call and a truck appears for the specified term. There’s no need to go truck shopping and approve a capital expenditure for an asset that will sit, […]

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Information Praticamente ogni giorno si sente parlare di un’ennesima grande azienda colpita da una violazione della sicurezza informatica, con gravi conseguenze negative sul business. QUESTE VIOLAZIONI SI POTREBBERO PREVENIRE O, quantomeno, contenere prima che possano causare danni irreparabili OGNI DECISIONE AZIENDALE DEVE ESSERE PRESA PENSANDO ALLA PROTEZIONE In caso contrario, si potrebbero creare vulnerabilità che […]

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