Why Empathy Matters in Credit Collection

Credit collection is difficult. The pressure of reminding customers of their debt versus being sympathetic to their situation can be stressful for associates. This leads to incredibly high attrition rates, dissatisfaction and an employee culture that encourages aggressive tactics to secure payments. Likewise, customers will repeatedly go into delinquency if inadequate employee interactions do not […]

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Connected intelligence for high performance

Data everywhere The amount of data that finance and operations departments are collecting from a litany of sources across the function continues to grow. And in line with this, the difficulty leaders have in deriving value from their data is similarly increasing. This is a trend that is forecast by many to get worse. Data […]

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Connected intelligence for high performance

Data everywhere The amount of data that finance and operations departments are collecting from a litany of sources across the function continues to grow. And in line with this, the difficulty leaders have in deriving value from their data is similarly increasing. This is a trend that is forecast by many to get worse. Data […]

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Building growth from Human Capital intelligence

Data everywhere The ability to scale and speed-up process, to turn analytics in a predictive insight, and personalise the workplace for employees is dependent upon connected systems, and these are dependent upon robust data. Getting a proper handle on the data that it generates and manages is one of HR’s biggest current challenges. And it’s […]

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Five “Must Haves” for AI-powered Spend Auditing

In the last decade, modern finance teams have implemented spend automation. For your organization, this may have led to investments in enterprise resource planning, source-to-pay, expense management systems, and analytics or BI, as well as projects to consolidate supplier information and contracts, outsourcing or shared services consolidation, and efforts to understand and mitigate supplier risk. […]

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The Most Common Types of Invoice Fraud and How To Avoid Them

The average large company processes hundreds or even thousands of invoices every month. The sheer volume makes it impossible to closely examine each bill that comes through the door. For those intent on deception, there are countless ways to exploit this vulnerability. Duplicate invoices, fake invoices, phishing schemes, vendor impersonation, unapplied discounts, cash skimming, cash […]

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15 Ways to Weed the Regulatory Violations Out of Your Spend

You may have a best-in-class system for approving expenses and accounts payable, but if you’re not doing a thorough audit of all spend prior to disbursement, you likely have regulatory violations lurking in there. Spend-related regulatory violations come in the form of different types of payments or gifts, including those to sanctioned organizations or people; […]

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How to Create a Healthy Expense Report Culture

Setting clear expectations and guidelines around travel and entertainment expenses (T&E) is crucial to establishing a healthy company culture. Employees want to feel at ease laying out money for the company, feeling confident they will get reimbursed quickly. Crafting a comprehensive T&E policy and making sure it’s available to all employees is an important first step, but a policy alone […]

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A Full Introduction to Star Match

tar Match provides powerful data to both AP and procurement teams during the supplier approval and negotiation processes, and AP teams during the invoice approval and audit processes, creating a formal feedback loop and allowing procurement teams to assess the quality of the suppliers they’ve selected. Star Match helps with the payables process in the […]

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Don’t recover. Discover.

Do Don’t Do Checklist Even if your spend management process is buttoned up, you still have errors, waste, fraud, and regulatory violations lurking in your payments. Recovery audits used to be your only hope for clawing back duplicates and overpayments, dealing with risky suppliers, and addressing regulatory violations post-payment. But now with AI, you can […]

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